Carl's HotShot Hitting Strips

‌Looking to meet the needs of all indoor golfers, Carl designed three innovative hitting strips: the HotShot Standard Hitting Strip, the HotShot Foam Divot Strip, and the HotShot Gel Hitting Strip.

Each strip is meticulously crafted in-house in Milton, Wisconsin, ensuring durability and a professional finish. Not only do they fit seamlessly into all sizes of Carl’s HotShot Hitting Mat, they can also be installed into other hitting mats or flooring systems that measure around 1.75” tall; Just cut out a section and insert any of these versatile strips with ease.

If your hitting section of your current mat is wearing out, don’t go out and buy a whole new mat. Just replace that section with one of Carl’s three hitting strip options.

Product Options:

Easy Installation
Top Technology
Human Agents
Designed For You
Best Material



At his headquarters in Milton, Wisconsin, Carl has created three cutting-edge hitting strips to meet players' needs. These 12" wide by 30" long strips seamlessly integrate with all sizes of Carl’s HotShot Hitting Mat and can also be used in other hitting mats or flooring systems around 1.75” tall.

If you're looking to replace a worn-out hitting area, you’re in the right place. No need to replace the entire mat—simply trace around the worn section, cut it out, and replace it with one of Carl’s durable hitting strips.

Carl’s Golf Mat Insert Options

Carl’s Standard HotShot Golf Mat Strip

Don’t let the “standard” name fool ya! This hitting strip is made up of the same top quality materials as the rest of Carl’s HotShot Hitting Mat! It’s soft and squishy, is the only strip that accepts real tees, and will definitely punish the distances on your chunked shots.

Carl’s HotShot Foam Divot Strip

The HotShot Foam Divot Strip is designed to save your joints. You can play golf more efficiently on your simulator, but not if your wrists or elbows are causing pain. You’ll appreciate a strip that protects your joints for the long haul.

Carl’s HotShot Gel Divot Strip

The HotShot Gel Hitting Strip offers a fairway-realistic experience. Whether you take a divot after striking the ball or accidentally chunk a shot, this strip provides authentic interaction between the turf and your club.



